Inner Conductor : To be copper
Diameter of Inner Conductor : 0.65 +/- 0.02 mm
Outer Braid / Tape : No dissimilar metals except the foil
may be aluminium and the braid copper and
where the foil is aluminium the copper braid
must be tin plated 0.75 microns +/- 0.25
Diameter of outer Conductor : Not less than 3.5 mm
External Diameter of
each Sheath : 4.70 +/- 0.2 mm
Separating Web : To be minimal such that on separation of
the two cores an equal amount of outer
sheath is left on both cores. Note the overall
diameter of each core should be within the
above limit.
Bending Radius : 35 mm
Flexing Radius : 75 mm